Coastal Smart Growth Home: Hazard-Resilient Smart Growth
Hazard-Resilient Smart Growth

Living near the water has historically been—and is expected to remain—desirable, yet this choice has inherent risks. Communities face the challenge of determining where and how to accommodate growth and redevelopment given the risks posed by coastal hazards. In tandem, smart growth and hazard mitigation strategies can help communities meet their quality of life, safety, economic, environmental, and transportation goals.
Resilience Resources
The following resources provide a starting point for learning more about hazard mitigation and implementation of hazard resilient coastal smart growth.
Hazard Mitigation Planning
Disaster Recovery Planning
Planning Before a Disaster Occurs
Planning After a Disaster Occurs
Case Studies
This section provides peer-to-peer case studies demonstrating hazard resilient smart growth.
Community Resilience Planning On A Budget
Fostering Tsunami-Resilient Communities Through Land Use Planning
Increasing Flood Risk Awareness Through A Real Estate Professional Training Program
Out Of Harm’s Way: Relocation Strategies To Reduce Flood Risk
Watershed Outreach Coordinators Help Municipalities Conduct Hazard Resilience Planning
Stakeholder Engagement Process Reaps Big Rewards For Climate Adaptation Project
Louisiana Parish Creates A Model Subdivision Ordinance To Enhance Public Safety And Resilience To Coastal Storms And Flood Events