Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Create Waterfront Master Plans
Create Waterfront Master Plans
A waterfront master plan is a comprehensive long-range plan for the waterfront indented to guide growth and development.
How to Get Started
Guiding the Way to Waterfront Revitalization: Best Management Practices

Best practices guide produced by the Waterfronts Florida Partnership program. A "how to" guide for individuals or communities with an interest in revitalizing the waterfront. Includes Florida case studies.
Making the Most of Your Waterfront: Enhancing Waterfronts to Revitalize Communities

Guidebook for the New York Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A "how to" guide for individuals or communities with an interest in revitalizing the waterfront. Includes New York case studies.
Hudson Riverfront Development Guide

Scenic Hudson's waterfront planning and principles guide which incorporates many of the coastal and waterfront smart growth elements.