Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Community Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability is the susceptibility of people, property, and resources to negative impacts from hazard events. A vulnerability assessment can be a guide for developing hazard mitigation strategies and prioritizing hazard mitigation projects. One approach to community vulnerability assessment is to evaluate a community’s physical, social, environmental, and economic vulnerabilities.
How to Get Started
Community Based Vulnerability Assessment

This guide by the UNC Institute for the Environment and MDC, Inc., as part of the Emergency Preparedness Demonstration Project, engages communities in understanding social and physical vulnerability to disasters.
Evaluation Of Erosion Hazards

The Heinz Center conducted this report with funds from FEMA in response to a mandate from Congress to analyze possible policy changes to address erosion hazards within federal programs. This report summarizes coastal hazards by regions, federal and state policies, and possible changes to the National Flood Insurance Program to incorporate coastal erosion.