Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Create transportation options
Provide more choices for people to reach their daily destinations including walking, biking, transit, or water-based option.
How to Get Started
Master Plan for the Central Delaware: Transforming the Philadelphia’s Waterfront
The Transportation Chapter, within the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation’s Master Plan for the Central Delaware provides a plan for strengthening the connection between the city and the waterfront that encourages the use of walking, cycling, and upgraded transit (including water-based).
The UNC Highway Safety Research Center's Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center maintains the website, which provides numerous resources for assessing and improving biker access and safety, including information on how to create a bicycle plan.
Portland’s South Waterfront Plan
The transportation chapter, within the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability’s South Waterfront Plan, provides a plan for supporting the development of a multimodal transportation system serving residents, employees and visitors to and within this urban district, with strong connections to the Willamette River and the greenway.