Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Tax Increment Financing
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) takes the difference between a site's pre- and post-development tax revenues for a proposed development and uses that difference (or increment) to finance specific portions of the proposed redevelopment.
How to Get Started
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Resource Center
The TIF Resource Center is a customized search of Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) Online Resource Database cataloging reports, case studies, presentations, articles, procedures, analysis and legislative information specific to tax increment financing. The TIF Resource Center features contributions from a wide variety of industry stakeholders.
Infrastructure Finance (State supported tools)

Infrastructure Finance provides an overview of different infrastructure finance tools, one of which is tax increment financing. This National Association of Home Builders report provides a table that shows which states legislation allow the use of different infrastructure tools.
Tax increment financing - City of Chicago
The City of Chicago's Tax Increment Financing Program with general information for TIFs and TIF success stories. The City of Chicago's web site also provides a sample TIF application that could be modified and used in another locality.
Tax Increment Financing - City of East Providence, Rhode Island
Provides a description of Tax Increment Financing in the Waterfront District of East Providence. The City of East Providence's web site also provides a Tax Increment Financing Project Plan for the Waterfront District, sample application and fees and the city offers developers in the Waterfront District the option of Tax Increment Financing.