Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Street Standards
Street standards are community guidelines for preparing plans, specifications, and estimates for street projects. Grid design standards help to ensure the safe and efficient movement of motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians by providing highly connected, usually long and straight, parallel and perpendicular, roadways with sidewalks or paths. A grid pattern provides direct travel while also providing multiple options for getting to a desired location.
How to Get Started
Roadway and Pedestrian Facility Design’s website provides extensive information on walkability issues, including links to related topics, case studies, and resources.
Roadway Connectivity: Creating More Connected Roadway and Pathway Networks
A good primer by the Victoria Transport Policy Institute on creating connectivity for roads and walkways, with an emphasis on grid design. Includes background information, standards to consider for improving connectivity, benefits and costs, case examples, and other resources.
Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines: An Oregon Guide for Reducing Street Widths

A how-to guide prepared by the Neighborhood Streets Project Stakeholders that includes background information, with a focus on narrow streets, a community process for adopting standards, and a check list for decision making.