Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Restore Connectivity


Best management practices not only provide and protect habitat, but also protect, maintain, and restore ecosystem health. Coastal communities can use a variety of best management practices, including on-site stormwater infiltration, native species, and living shorelines.

How to Get Started

Conservation Buffers: Design Guidelines For Buffers, Corridors, And Greenways


Synthesis from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station of extensive research on designing buffers. This guide includes easy-to-understand design guidelines and illustrations.

Model Ordinances To Protect Local Resources: Aquatic Buffers


This section of the EPA's website contains a model ordinance for creating effective aquatic buffers and sample stream buffer ordinances from various parts of the country.

Corridor Design


Corridor Design is a website that uses GIS tools and information to design wildlife corridors to facilitate conservation, research, and public discussion.

Riparian Buffers For Wildlife


This guide by the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension provides information on riparian buffer planning, maintenance, and explains habitat, wildlife, and water quality benefits.
