Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Public Access Master Plans
A public access master plan is a long term plan for providing or enhancing public access within a defined region.
How to Get Started
The UNC Highway Safety Research Center's Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center’s website provides numerous resources for assessing and improving pedestrian and biker access and safety, including information on how to create a pedestrian and biker master plan.
Walk Friendly Community Assessment Tool

Walk Friendly Communities is a national program that recognizes communities that are working to improve walkability. The website, maintained UNC Highway Safety Research Center’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center provides a Walk Friendly Community Assessment Tool, which can help communities identify areas to improve walkability, as well as tools that can communities can use to develop specific solutions.
Walk Friendly Community Profiles
The Walk Friendly Communities program recognizes a number of communities for their success in working to improve a wide range of conditions related to walking. The website provides profiles of each Walk Friendly Community, including links to their pedestrian master plans or pedestrian programs.
Master Plan for the Central Delaware: Transforming the Philadelphia’s Waterfront

The Transportation Chapter, within the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation’s Master Plan for the Central Delaware provides a plan for strengthening the connection between the city and the waterfront by improving public access.