Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Provide Attractive and Safe Pathways
Pathways from public transportation and parking areas to the waterfront encourage walking in the waterfront district and allow more people to access the waterfront. The pathways should be attractive to encourage people to use them, well marked with signage that makes it easy to find landmarks, and well lit to promote pedestrian safety.
How to Get Started
Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway: Design Principles

This guidebook, produced by the Regional Plan Association of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut and the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative provides guidelines for different waterfront greenway elements, including waterfront connectivity, signage, and lighting.
Waterfront Design Guidelines: Juneau, Alaska

This publication for the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska, includes design principles related to connectivity and safe pathways, as well as guidelines for its Seawalk, the public streetscape, parking areas, and other waterfront design considerations.
City of Bellingham and Port of Bellingham Waterfront District Draft Sub-Area Plan

The City of Bellingham and Port of Bellingham draft Waterfront District Sub-Area Plan provides a framework to support the development of pedestrian-friendly streets, sidewalks, transit routes, and bike paths that will connect the city to the waterfront (see, in particular, Chapter 5).