Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Protect, Restore, and Enhance Vulnerable Shorelines
Managing vulnerable shorelines provides ecological benefits, and promotes resiliency for the natural and built environment. Coastal communities can use a variety of tools to protect, restore, and enhance vulnerable shorelines. Please see the glossary for definitions of each tool listed above.
How to Get Started
Erosion Control Easements

This NOAA resource explains erosion control easements, which protect valuable shoreline. It includes benefits of easements and case studies.
Restore Your Shore

This toolkit hosted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources provides a roadmap to shoreline restoration. The site includes steps and techniques as well as a plan guide and additional resources.
Rolling Easements

This guide by the EPA Climate Ready Estuaries program, provides information on rolling easements and examines options to ensure that wetlands, beaches, and barrier islands are able to migrate inland.
Shoreline Management

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources , Shoreline Management website overviews their living shorelines program, and provides tools on shoreline mapping, implementation workshops, and outreach materials.
Environmental Protection Agency: Low Impact Development (LID)

The EPA's Low Impact Development (LID) website provides fact sheets and reports, design and guidance documents, and other resources, including videos, related to Low Impact Development.