Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Prioritize access needs
For coastal communities it is important to manage and prioritize access needs by identifying what types of access are needed and their most appropriate location.
How to Get Started
Florida Coastal Public Access

This report by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection provides a coastal access section with ten indicators to assess the public-access opportunities provided to the residents and visitors of Florida. For the full report, visit (
Access to the Waterfront: Issues and Solutions Across the Nation

The Maine Sea Grant College Program coordinated the development of this national survey to identify trends in coastal access throughout the nation and to highlight solutions and success stories. Over 140 individuals were surveyed to characterize coastal access issues nationwide and the effects on coastal communities.
Enabling Legislation Establishes Public Access Authority

The Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission supported legislation to create the Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority, the first entity of its kind in the United States. The authority's mission is to identify, acquire, and manage passive and low-impact water access opportunities in the Middle Peninsula and throughout Virginia. Learn more about this enabling legislation and other similar case studies at the National Working Waterfront Network.