Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Pedestrian Use
When evaluating design options for waterfront streets, prioritize elements that result in walkable street that are welcoming, safe, and accessible.
How to Get Started
San Francisco’s Central Waterfront Area Plan
The San Francisco Planning Department’s Central Waterfront Area Plan includes policies that support walking as a key transportation mode by improving pedestrian circulation within the central waterfront and to other parts of the city (See Chapter 4 (Transportation), Objective 4.6).
City of Bellingham/Port of Bellingham Waterfront District Draft Sub-Area Plan
City of Bellingham and Port of Bellingham draft Waterfront District Sub-Area Plan provides policies that support the development of pedestrian-friendly streets, sidewalks, transit routes, and bike paths that will reconnect the city to the waterfront (See Chapter 5). Resources on Planning and Policy

The UNC Highway Safety Research Center's Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center maintains the website, which provides numerous resources for assessing and improving pedestrian and biker access and safety, including information on how to prioritize non-motorized transportation in planning methods and policy-making.