Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Open Space Preservation
At the community and neighborhood scale, green infrastructure incorporates urban forestry practices that reduce impervious surfaces and help create walkable, attractive communities.
How to Get Started
Green Infrastructure: Smart Conservation for the 21st Century

The Conservation Fund demonstrates sustainable conservation solutions through land acquisition, community planning, and leadership training. This comprehensive report defines green infrastructure and its principles as they relate to conservation and development. The report presents several case studies of green infrastructure programs as well as examples of continental, multi-state, statewide, regional, local and community initiatives.
Green Infrastructure

The EPA Green Infrastructure page offers basic information, case studies, technical information, funding, and links to external websites all about how green infrastructure helps control stormwater runoff. The website provides descriptions of different types of green infrastructure as well as how individual homeowners can implement best practices. There are also several case studies of whole cities and towns that have implemented green infrastructure.
Planning for Stormwater: Reducing Runoff through Better Site Design

Through the NEMO Network and Connecticut Sea Grant, the guide Planning for Stormwater provides tools and resources for low impact development in Connecticut communities. The website covers LID elements (i.e. rain gardens, grassed swales, green roofs, and permeable pavements) as well as site design elements (i.e. roofs, driveways, roads, sidewalks, and parking lots) and guides users through tips and techniques to reduce stormwater runoff.
The Value of Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Recognizing Its Economic, Environmental and Social Benefits

Authored by the Center for Neighborhood Technology and American Rivers, this guide walks communities through monetary valuation of green infrastructure practices. The guide offers formulas and examples of various locations to demonstrate how green infrastructure techniques are evaluated. The document also includes several case studies from around the United States of communities implementing green infrastructure.