Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Networks to Connect Waterfronts to open spaces
A network is a plan for highly connected thoroughfares that provide many alternatives to get to desired destinations.
How to Get Started
The Waterfront District: Preliminary Review Draft Sub-Area Plan 2010

A draft framework to inform development of Bellingham, Washington’s "waterfront district." The plan describes goals for connecting the downtown to the waterfront. Chapter 7 discusses guiding principles, policies, and implementation strategies for parks, open space, and trails.
Master Plan for the Central Delaware: Transforming Philadelphia’s Waterfront

The master plan for Philadelphia, PA's Delaware River waterfront. The plan includes sections on creating a network of spaces that are distinctive public amenities, with principles and design guidelines.
9 Steps to Creating A Great Waterfront

A tutorial by the Project for Public Spaces on creating waterfronts as vibrant public destinations. Includes information on connecting destinations and providing public access.