Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Mix land uses for pedestrian activity
Mixed land uses help create vibrant waterfront communities by establishing a variety of activities that accommodate waterfront access and provide view corridors. Policies and zoning codes are part of the comprehensive approach needed to create a walkable waterfront community.
How to Get Started
Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment, Elements 10.0 – 10.10

The City of Alameda, California, general plan amendment, adopted in 2007, includes polices and approaches for redeveloping the northern waterfront planning area (See Section 10). The policies promote a mixed use environment, connections to the waterfront, and improved access to district to help create a pedestrian-friendly environment.
Wanatchee Waterfront Sub-Area Plan

This plan, developed for the City of Wanatchee, Washington, includes goals and policies for mixed uses and access to the waterfront area, as well as actions needed for implementation.
Master Plan for the Central Delaware: Transforming Philadelphia's Waterfront

The master plan for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's Delaware River waterfront includes sections on establishing mixed uses and access to and along the waterfront. The plan includes principles and design guidelines for highlighting the waterfront's uniqueness.