Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Inventory and compare existing access
Inventory and compare existing access
For coastal communities it is important to inventory water-access needs and to compare the current need with projected demand for access.
How to Get Started
Public Access to the Rhode Island Coast

This publication, sponsored by Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council, Rhode Island Sea Grant, and the University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center, highlights 344 popular public access sites along the state’s shore. It lists parks, wildlife refuges, fishing sites, beaches, views, pathways, and boat ramps.
Washington State Coastal Atlas

This public access website, managed by the Washington Department of Ecology, is part of a larger effort known as the Washington Coastal Atlas. This online tool provides a searchable inventory of coastal public access sites in the state, allowing users to search by activity, geography, and amenities.
Mapping Maine’s Working Waterfront: The Last 20 Miles

This publication by the Island institute shows that only 20 miles of the state’s 5,300-mile coastline remains as working waterfront. The study is the first time Maine’s coast has been mapped with the explicit intention of identifying working waterfronts as a land use, and it provides ideas on how to protect this type of access in the future. The inventory demonstrates the value of remaining working waterfront access sites.