Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Inclusionary Zoning
Inclusionary Zoning requires that some portion of every new housing development (e.g. 10%) beyond a given threshold size (e.g., 50 units) will be affordable to below-median income residents to both increase the number of affordable units and create mixed income communities. Some inclusionary zoning programs permit developers to make “in lieu” contributions to a regional housing trust fund to construct affordable housing, rather than requiring units to be constructed on site.
How to Get Started
Center for Housing Policy's Policy Toolbox

The Center for Housing Policy's toolbox provides an overview of inclusionary zoning policies, case studies and examples of tools for increasing the availability of affordable housing.
National Association of Realtors' Field Guide to Inclusionary Zoning

The National Association of Realtors' field guide to inclusionary zoning provides sample ordinances and case studies. Additional resources on inclusionary zoning basics, impacts, and policy considerations.
Massachusetts Smart Growth/Smart Energy Website

Massachusetts Smart Growth/Smart Energy Website provides a basic overview of inclusionary zoning as a smart growth tool. Includes Massachusetts case studies.
PolicyLink's Inclusionary Zoning Toolkit

PolicyLink's Inclusionary Zoning Toolkit includes key players, financing, resources, challenges, and case studies.
Taking the Initiative: A Guidebook on Creating Local Affordable Housing Strategies

The Citizens' Housing and Planning Association guidebook provides a wide range of funding, zoning, land use, and tax incentive strategies for creating affordable housing and homeownership opportunities.