Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Historic Districts
Historic and cultural resources that meet a set of criteria of significance may be listed in any of three types of registers: the National Register of Historic Places, a state register of historic places, or local register of historic landmarks and districts. All three levels include the designation of historic districts. These districts have defined boundaries within which buildings contribute to the overall historic character of the area.
How to Get Started
National Park Service Historic Preservation Tax Incentives

The National Park Service provides information on historic preservation tax incentives, how the federal tax incentives program is administered, historic preservation certification application, information on easements to protect historic properties, online educational tools, and preservation briefs (case studies). The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program is the most cost-effective Federal community revitalization program.
National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers
The National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO) website provides an interactive map of the United States that allows viewers to access SHPOs. SHPO websites provide information on each individual state's tax incentive and conservation easement programs.
National Trust for Historic Preservation State Tax Incentives

The National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) state tax incentives website provides information on available state tax incentives for historic preservation, news and updates on changes to state tax credits, case studies, and success stories.
National Trust Community Investment Corporation
The National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC) makes equity investments in real estate projects that qualify for federal historic tax credits and when available, state historic tax credits and New Markets Tax Credits. NTCIC works with a wide variety of property owners including for-profit developers, nonprofit organizations and local governments.