Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Hazard Mitigation Plan Findings and Recommendations
Comprehensive Plans (sometimes called Master Plans or by other names), address many aspects of a community’s goals for its physical, social and economic environment and future development. By integrating hazard mitigation plan findings and recommendations into comprehensive plans and planning regulations, communities can institutionalize hazard mitigation concepts as part of their development practices.
How to Get Started
Hazard Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning

This guide, produced by the American Planning Association with support from FEMA, describes best practices for integrating hazard mitigation into local and regional comprehensive plans, other types of plans, and other local policies. Includes cases studies from communities of different sizes.
Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Workbook, Appendix D – Integrating Hazard Mitigation into Community Comprehensive Planning
Appendix D of the Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Workbook (also called Publication 207), by Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division of the Michigan State Police, discusses integrating hazard mitigation concepts and strategies into a community’s existing comprehensive plan. Includes an overview of key land use issues related to hazard mitigation and considerations for integrating hazard mitigation strategies and policies into various elements of a community’s comprehensive plan.
Protecting Florida Communities: Land Use Planning Strategies and Best Development Practices for Minimizing Vulnerability to Flooding and Coastal Storms

Guide produced by the State of Florida on best practices for integrating hazards information and strategies into local comprehensive planning. Originally published by the Florida Community Planning program, now housed within Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity , when it was part of the Florida Division of Community Planning, and by the Florida Division of Emergency Management.
The Lee Plan

In Florida, Lee County incorporates natural hazard mitigation into its local comprehensive Plan, called The Lee County Plan. See, e.g., Goals 105 and 110 in Chapter VII, Conservation and Coastal Management.