Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Harbor Management Plans
Harbor management plans are a means for planning and managing uses in coastal waters to coordinate decision-making processes related to harbor uses and development, as well as to minimize conflicts among competing users.
How to Get Started
Guidelines For The Preparation Of Harbor Management Plans
Guide developed by New York Coastal Management Program for preparing a harbor management plan in accordance with New York State requirements. Includes information on techniques that can be used to implement harbor management plans.
Guidelines For The Development Of Municipal Harbor Management Plans

Handbook produced by the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council which outlines the elements of municipal harbor management plans, processes for developing and implementing them, and some associated considerations.
Nantucket and Madaket Harbors Action Plan

Plan produced in the Town of Nantucket, Massachusetts, by its Department of Marine and Coastal Resources and Nantucket and Madaket Harbors Plan Review Committee. Integrates diverse aspects of harbor management planning and includes an implementation plan.