Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Using Green Infrastructure Plans
Green infrastructure is defined by a range of natural and built systems that can occur at the regional, community, and site scales. Green infrastructure can be an interconnected network of preserved or restored natural lands and waters that provide essential environmental functions.
How to Get Started
Green Infrastructure: Smart Conservation For The 21st Century

This guide by the Conservation Fund provides a roadmap of principles and strategies to identity community green infrastructure assets. It also includes local, state, and regional initiatives and case studies.
Environmental Protection Agency: Green Infrastructure

The EPA green infrastructure website provides information on green infrastructure with tools, case studies, and research.
Local Open Space

This guidebook by New York State, provides a roadmap for open space planning to meet green infrastructure goals. Chapters include: types of open space resources, the planning process, and conservation tools.
Green Infrastructure Design Using Low Impact Development

This guide by the Nashville Metro Water Services Stormwater Program and Army Corp of Engineers provides an overview of LID practices using both natural and man-made green infrastructure assets. It also includes techniques, cost factors, and maintenance considerations.
Green Infrastructure Handbook For Local Governments

This handbook by the Southeast Tennessee Development District, helps communities identify green infrastructure assets and implement best practices at the site, street, and community levels.