Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Open Space Preservation
Identify funding for open space, scenic resources, and recreational activities through grant acquisition, federal programs and other sources.
How to Get Started
U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Grants-At-A-Glance

The US Fish and Wildlife Service provides a list of natural resource funding opportunities to support governmental, public and private organizations, groups and individuals.
Greening The Bay: Financing Wetland Restoration In San Francisco Bay

This guide by San Francisco-based Save the Bay , provides an overview of strategies for financing wetlands restoration. Each section presents a challenge provides steps to address it and includes further recommendations.
The Coastal And Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP)

NOAA's CELCP program provides comprehensive resources on how to protect coastal and estuarine lands for multiple values. The program provides state and local governments with matching funds to purchase significant coastal and estuarine lands, or conservation easements on such lands, from willing sellers. Fact sheets, conservation guidelines, and funding opportunities are also accessible.
Wildlife Policy: Conservation Funding

The National Wildlife Federation provides a summary of how to target funding from federal budget appropriations, including clean energy and climate legislation, the Farm Bill, and other sources.