Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Foster a safe and supportive infrastructure
A pedestrian master plan provides the goals, objectives, strategies, standards, and maps for implementing a comprehensive approach to making a community safe and walkable for people travelling on foot. This includes approaches for linking sidewalks, walking paths, and pedestrian-related facilities and amenities.
How to Get Started
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center: Sample Policies and Plans

The University of North Carolina's Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center website provides an introduction to pedestrian planning policy with sample policies, plans, design guidelines, and case studies. The center's website has links to many other planning resources, including frequently asked questions, fact sheets, and training materials.
Best Practices for Pedestrian Master Planning and Design

From the final report of the Sacramento Transportation and Air Quality Collaborative, this section outlines best practices for drafting a pedestrian master plan that includes policies, design guidelines, impact analyses, and other information. The report draws examples from plans of Oakland and Portland.
Pedestrian- and Transit-Friendly Design: A Primer for Smart Growth

This primer from the Smart Growth Network, based on a longer manual prepared for the Florida Department of Transportation by the American Planning Association, lists 23 features (highlighting 12) of pedestrian- and transit-friendly design, prioritizing them into essential, highly desirable, and nice additional features.
A Resident's Guide for Creating Safe and Walkable Communities

The Federal Highway Administration developed this guidance for residents and community activists on identifying problems, raising awareness, accessing available resources, and participating in or organizing community efforts to find solutions.