Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Design Guidelines
Design Guidelines are criteria and standards provided by a Planning Department that should be followed by a developer when determining the appropriateness of proposed work and projects within a community.
How to Get Started
Laguna Beach, CA - Design Guidelines for Residential Development
This resource is for those looking to build a home or a long-time resident desiring to remodel or add onto an existing home. This guide will explain the process and provide you with an understanding of the important design criteria to consider. For more information go to: Laguna Beach City website.
Glendale California Community Planning- Urban Design Guidelines
This resource provides urban design guidelines (architectural and site design) for commercial zones. For more information go to: City of Glendale website.
Riverside County, CA Design Guidelines
This resource provides design guidelines with an easy to follow format and pictures to help users apply this resource in their community. For more information go to: Riverside County Planning Department website.
Boston, MA Urban Design Guidelines

This resource provides urban design guidelines with zoning, urban design, and streetscape recommendations. Learn more at Boston Planning and Development Agency website.
Mountain View, CA Design Guidelines
The regulations and guidelines establish how streets, pathways, and open spaces work together to organize development and provide guidance for character-defining architectural and site planning elements. The row house design guidelines describe how new row house development should be designed to create desirable residential developments and ensure a seamless integration with existing neighborhoods. The R4 zone is intended to encourage high-density residential development in standard residential zones, where previously such development was allowed only in certain Precise Plan areas.