Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Density bonus
Density bonus: A density bonus lets a developer build a larger number of market-rate units on a site than would otherwise be permitted in order to provide an incentive for the construction of affordable housing or another public good.
How to Get Started
County of San Diego Density Bonus Program
The Density Bonus Program allows housing developers to build more units on a property than are otherwise permitted, provided that a certain percentage of the total number of the additional units are reserved for low- or moderate-income households. The County of San Diego has four specific density bonus policies.
Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community

Creating Great Neighborhoods: Density in Your Community is a grant product of the Local Government Commission, in cooperation with the US EPA, and sponsored by the National Association of Realtors. This publication highlights the success of nine community led efforts to create vibrant neighborhoods through density; provides readers with an understanding of the connections between smart growth and density; and introduces five time tested design principles to ensure that density becomes a community asset and not a liability. Learn more at: EPA's Creating Great Neighborhoods page.