Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Deed Restrictions
A deed restriction is a requirement placed in a deed to restrict the current and future use of the land in some way.
How to Get Started
Shared Equity Home Ownership: Deed Restrictions

This website, maintained by the non-profit NCB Capital Impact, provides background information on deed restrictions. It includes several handouts specific to Washington D.C., a video specific to San Francisco, and answers to common questions. Users can also link to topics related to shared equity home ownership.
Foreclosed Properties: Stewardship Strategies

PolicyLink presents a policy toolkit for foreclosed properties which includes a strategy for stewardship through deed restrictions. The toolkit leads users through a framework to develop a comprehensive foreclosure recovery plan while also providing case examples along the way.
Preservation of Affordable Home Ownership: A Continuum of Strategies

This document, produced by the National Housing Conference and Center for Housing Policy provides an overview of the range of mechanisms that local governments use to ensure that housing funds invested in affordable home ownership today are able to serve additional families in the future. The strategies presented include subsidy forgiveness, subsidy recapture, shared appreciation loans, and subsidy retention, which includes discussion on deed restrictions.
Common Approaches to Enforcing Subsidy Retention's online toolbox deals with shared equity in housing, specifically addressing policies for using shared equity mechanisms to preserve homeownership subsidies. Under the "Common Approaches to Enforcing Subsidy Retention," deed-restricted homeownership is discussed as one way to implement and enforce resale formulas.