Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Connect buildings, streets, and paths
Thoughtful physical and visual connections to the waterfront and between waterfront areas encourage pedestrian activity and help make the waterfront a destination for citizens and visitors.
How to Get Started
Port of San Francisco Waterfront Design and Access (see "Waterfront Views" chapter)

The Port of San Francisco and the San Francisco Planning Department published a guide to waterfront design and access that includes policies to physically unite the city to the waterfront and to preserve and create new views to the waterfront. See particularly "Waterfront Design and Access Goals," "Public Access and Open Space," and "Waterfront Views" chapters.
Alexandria Waterfront Small Area Plan

The City of Alexandria, Virginia, adopted a waterfront plan in 2012 that includes policies to enhance public open spaces, improve public access and connectivity to and along the waterfront, and promote the waterfront as a destination. See chapter 2, "Goals and Waterfront Wide Elements," and chapter 3, "Character and Theme Areas."
The Waterfront District, Bellingham, Washington, Draft Subarea Plan 2012

The City of Bellingham and Port of Bellingham draft Waterfront District Subarea Plan provides policies that support street connections, building design, and amenities to enhance pedestrian activity and physical and visual access to the waterfront. See particularly chapter 4, "Development Character."
9 Steps to Creating A Great Waterfront

A tutorial by the Project for Public Spaces on creating waterfronts as vibrant public destinations, includes information on connecting destinations and providing public access. See especially step 6, "Connect Destinations along the Waterfront," and 7, "Maximize Opportunities for Public Access."