Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Community Land Trusts
Community land trusts are private non-profit corporations created to acquire and hold land for the benefit of a community and to provide affordable access to land and housing for community residents. Their missions are often shaped by the intent to meet the needs of residents least served by the prevailing market.
How to Get Started
Starting a Community Land Trust: Organizational and Operational Choices

This manual is designed for groups forming community land trusts and outlines various possible approaches, as well as the pros and cons for different courses of action. It was published by Burlington Associates in Community Development , which maintains a library of publications related to community land trusts.
The Community Land Trust Technical Manual

The National Community Land Trust Network updated its technical guide for community land trust practitioners and those interested in organizing new community land trusts in 2011. This technical guide contains detailed information about different elements of operating community land trusts and ways to address challenges that might arise during the process.
Community Land Trust Working Papers

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy has published several working papers and other publications on community land trusts. For example, the 2007 "National Study of Community Land Trusts" describes results from a national survey, including information on community land trust establishment, governance structure, sources of revenue, resale processes, and other characteristics and activities.