Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Creating park-once locations
Park-once strategies let residents, workers, and visitors leave their cars behind and use others means (e.g., walking, community shuttles, bicycle rentals) to get to their desired destinations within the community.
How to Get Started
Parking Spaces/Community Places: Finding the Balance through Smart Growth Solutions

The 2006 Environmental Protection Agency publication on parking describes the significance of parking decisions in development patterns and strategies for balancing parking with other community goals, including centralized parking.
Shared Parking: Sharing Parking Facilities Among Multiple Users

This chapter in the Transportation Demand Management Encyclopedia from the Victoria Transport Policy Institute offers strategies and techniques for sharing parking facilities among multiple users to increase efficiency. The encyclopedia also includes information on a number of other parking design and management options.
How Can Wells Grow and Protect Depot Brook?

This report by the EPA Office of Sustainable Communities discusses transportation, land use, and stormwater strategies that the Town of Wells, Maine, could implement to achieve its economic, quality of life, and environmental goals. Section 5.6 provides an overview of how the community could use a "park once" strategy to encourage visitors to walk between various destinations.
Smart Parking: Parking Management from a System Perspective

The California Metropolitan Transportation Commission webpage, Parking Policy for Smart Growth, includes a four-part video series on smart parking. Part four, Parking Management from a System Perspective, provides a narrated and illustrated basic overview of how centralized parking in a multi-use environment can enable a traveler to visit multiple destinations and only need to park once.