Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Best Management Practices
Best management practices not only provide and protect habitat, but also protect, maintain, and restore ecosystem health. Coastal communities can use a variety of best management practices, including on-site stormwater infiltration, native species, and living shorelines.
How to Get Started
Restore Your Shore

This toolkit hosted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources provides a roadmap for shoreline restoration. The site includes steps and techniques, as well as a native plant guide, and reference and resources.
Stormwater Management Manual For Western Washington

This guide by the Washington State Department of Ecology's Water Quality Program, includes information on stormwater management in site planning, pollution prevention, source control and runoff treatment. It also includes chapters how to prepare and implement stormwater best management practices, and additional resources.
National Menu Of Stormwater Best Management Practices

The EPA's menu of best management practices organizes best practices in the following categories: public education, public involvement, illicit discharge, construction, post-construction, and pollution prevention. This website also includes techniques, guidance, and case studies.
New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual

This manual by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's, stormwater program includes information on recharging groundwater, landscaping, and developing stormwater management plans, as well as additional resources including pollution removal criteria.