Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)
Business improvement districts (BIDs) are private/public partnerships that allow qualified downtown and commercial areas to levy a special assessment to fund improvements to the district.
How to Get Started
Starting a Business Improvement District: A Step-By-Step Guide

New York City Department of Small Business Service's guide for developing BIDs. A step-by-step guide describing the BID formation process for communities.
Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit: Business Improvement Districts (BID)
Massachusetts's Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit includes a module on BIDs. The module presents an overview of BIDs, BID-related case studies, and a model MOU between a municipality and a BID.
The Business Improvement District Model: A Balanced Review of Contemporary Debates
2007 article in Geography Compass by Lorelene Hoyt and Devika Gopal-Agge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which describes BIDs and reviews key debates on BIDs.