Coastal Smart Growth Home: Getting Started: Public Accessory Dwelling Units
An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a second residential unit that may be contained within an existing single-family home, garage, or carriage house. An ADU usually is required to be a complete housekeeping unit that can function independently, with separate access, kitchen, bedroom, and sanitary facilities. These units are sometimes also termed “granny flats,” “mother-in-law” apartments, or elder cottages.
How to Get Started
City of Santa Cruz Accessory Dwelling Unit Development Program

The City of Santa Cruz's ADU Development Program provides an example of ADU program components including an ADU ordinance and a technical assistance program containing ADU plans set book, manual, and video.
Accessory Dwelling Units: Case Study

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy and Development and Research’s 2008 publication on accessory dwelling units provides an overview of ADUs and example ADU ordinances and programs.
Accessory Dwelling Units: Model State Act and Ordinance

The AARP’s 2000 publication on accessory dwelling units presents model state and local legislation for developing regulation on creating ADUs.